Gotta Have It or Live Without It: E.L.F Zit Zapper

Hi, everyone! So I recently had a Target and Ulta shopping spree buying more unnecessary things that I just don’t need! Yay! I went to Target a little over a week ago and I went to Ulta yesterday. If ya’ll wanna see a complete haul post, just let me know, but I plan on doing makeup reviews for most of the products, so you’ll get to see most of them anyway. Today is a Gotta Have It or Live Without It review over an E.L.F product that I purchased at Target.


I had already purchased a bunch of makeup and things and then I stumbled upon this right when I was about to leave. This is the E.L.F Zit Zapper. You can find it at any drugstore that sells E.L.F products. Cody tried to convince me not to buy it, but it was only $1 and my will power is extremely low when it comes to makeup… so I ended up buying it. haha Normally I like to use new products for two or three weeks before I give ya’ll a review over it, but I have some pretty strong feelings toward this product, so I needed to do it sooner!

As I mentioned, this is only $1. Before I snatched it up, I read the label to see what ingredients this had in it that supposedly causes it to zap zits, hence the name. It claims to be made of salicylic acid, tea tree oil, and witch hazel. Notice that I used the word “claimed.” I say that because there’s a 99.9% chance this product DOESN’T actually contain all that, and if it does, it doesn’t contain enough of those ingredients to actually do anything. But, nevertheless, little dumb me bought it anyway!

When I used it, I didn’t have any crazy zits on my face at all, but I wanted to use it anyway, so I found one teeny tiny, microscopic breakout on my forehead and used it there. Let me show you the #1 thing that I hate about this product….


Can you see that? That’s a little tiny roller ball that’s used to apply this liquid to your face. If that doesn’t scream ‘unsanitary,’ I’m not sure what does. I was grossed out immediately. The bacteria from any breakout that you use this on is just going to stick there and keep transferring on to all other places you decide to use this. It’s like a little bacteria garden. Disgusting. As if that wasn’t bad enough, this product 100% dried out my skin. I just applied it on that one spot and when I woke up in the morning, I discovered that breakout was still there, but everything around it was dry and flaking. Not fun.

Final Verdict? LIVE WITHOUT IT! Basically, it just dried out everything except what it was actually supposed to dry out. Zap zits? Uhmm, more like zap moisture outta your skin! I’m so not okay with that. After applying one of my favorite spot treatments and moisturizers, my little breakout was gone over night and my skin was back to normal. Feel free to purchase this and give it a try yourself, but use at your own risk and be ready with some great moisturizer come morning time!

If ya’ll are wanting to read more about my favorite spot treatments or my review on tea tree oil and witch hazel, just hop on over to the search bar on my blog, type it in, and learn all about it! Thanks so much for reading and I’ll talk to ya’ll later (:

XOXO, Megan ❤

6 thoughts on “Gotta Have It or Live Without It: E.L.F Zit Zapper

  1. $1 or not this review just saved me $1! Love it!

  2. Hey girlie! I love your blog and nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award!!!

  3. Elf is so hit or miss! I trust you 100%, definitely staying away from this one. 🙂

    • It really is! I have some products from ELF that I really love and then there’s… this. hahah It was only a dollar, don’t know what I was expecting lol Definatly stay away from it!

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